I’m using smoothie and I have been trying to get this working all day… I have 5 cables, with X on the alpha and delta steppers with a jumper as in the smoothie instructions (http://smoothieware.org/cnc-mill-guide#toc30), Y on beta and epsilon steppers with a jumper cable, and Z on gamma. Basically I can map the steppers to all 5 spots, but whatever I do the jumpered stepper cables don’t seem to be doing anything. Has anyone tried this configuration and gotten it to work? I know I can switch to running them in series, but I’d really prefer to have a separate cable for each.
I believe that you want to use two steppers as master and slave. When I did this on my Lowrider 3 I used delta and epsilon as the slaves and I think that is how it is meant to work on the smoothie board. I also had to edit the config file so that the extruders would not be configured for use with gamma and epsilon.
There is info on this on smoothieware dot org ’ USING TWO STEPPERS MOTOR ON A SINGLE DRIVER’.
I hope this helps.