Everything is hooked up now but still nothing
I’m going to try adding the ribbon cables and see if I get anything in marlin mode
Everything is hooked up now but still nothing
I’m going to try adding the ribbon cables and see if I get anything in marlin mode
Ok I installed the ribbon cables and turned it on. Of course no change for touch screen which I didn’t expect. Switched it over to marlin mode and everything works as it should. was able to move the machine around. Found the X and Z1 were backwards, swapped those around and restarted then was able to home the machine. Not sure why it wont work in touch screen. I’m going to double check that its the latest firmware. If not I will update that and give it a try again.
It has the newest firmware already and the baud rate was correct. I took the screen from my Primo and hooked it up using just the black cable and it works just fine. So its either a wire issue or somethings up with the screen. I will take the case apart and take the wire off the Primo screen and try it on the new LR3 screen and see if that makes a difference.
Anyone have any other ideas I need to try???
Did you ever happen to plug the screen’s black cable in backwards? That will pop the communications, other than that maybe show a picture of the board plugged in so we can make sure it is in the right slot? If it came from me I flashed and tested it before it left so it should be good. I f you got that elsewhere, we can triple check the baud rate is correct?
I don’t believe i plugged it in backwards but anything is possible. I had it plugged/unplugged a few times testing. Never with the board powered though. Screen did come from you. Only reason i thought about the firmware because it was right around the time of the new TFT firmware so I couldn’t remember if it was before or after. turns out it was after. Baud rate was correct on 250000. I guess it had to be me plugging it in backwards. I will just use the screen from the primo and wait on putting it back together until I can get my hands on a jackpot since its going laser and the faster board will be of benefit there.
Installed the old primo screen in the case for the LR3 and all is working as it should. Had to back off the screws a bit but other than that all is well. Running @DougJoseph case which i also have on my old LR3. I guess I killed the new screen but all is well since I had this other on stand by anyways. About to do some squaring and leveling then go for the obligatory crown!
Next time you get a chance show a picture of how you had it plugged in. people have gotten it wrong plenty of times.
I got to thinking about it this morning. The very first time I plugged it in I had it backwards. I didn’t think anytning of it as I’ve done that many times. And then when you said something about it my brain lapsed. I’ve never killed one plugging it in backwards…. Until now at least lol. Expensive mistake but oh well it happens
Warning and pic in SKR doc ?
I second this lol. My DA tried to go from memory… and I cant remember
The info is there (I was nervous about this step)…
But maybe closeup, explicit call-out of $$ consequences, and visual warning cue would help?
Just a note saying to be careful as plugging in backwards can lead to a thinner wallet LOL
@vicious1 I don’t fault you or the doc’s for my mistake. I knew how to plug it in. Even have the docs printed in a nice binder. But I was too lazy to look before turning it on. That’s 100% my fault. Just wanted to be clear on that part.
Merged a warning now. I twill be love in a few minutes.
Sorry Dude, I failed you again.
You didn’t fail me at all!!! See previous post!!!
Plus it worked out in the end. After reading all you said about the laser speed with the jackpot board and me switching the primo over to dedicated laser machine i will definitely be picking up one of those once they are ready. So I would have had this spare screen just laying around anyways. And a spare SKR isn’t a bad thing to have around anyways lol
Obligatory Crown…
I had the pen stuck out way too far but still came out good I think. Machine ran great. Tried running it headless but couldn’t get it to show the file on the sd card. Still a lot of learning there. Now on to squaring, leveling and traming. Then will surface the spoil board to start everything nice and straight
I will never get tired of seeing those.
Trying to get it square now but its being a PITA!!! About every 3rd time when I hit Z - either 1 or 10 it just takes off and buries into the bed. Done broke 2 of my Wife’s fine point sharpies and the pen mount doesn’t have too many more left in it LOL. I’m going to set up @jamiek squareness marks and just let it run. I was trying to manually do tiny marks but this is getting to be too much. First run went good though. X+ side was 5.6mm longer. Made the adjustment and saved. Now hopefully ill be able to get a good test and see if it needs more.
@jamiek is the man as always. The squareness marks were SOOOO much easier. Got it as square as I can possibly get it using a tape measure. 1817mm both sides. Now on to level the Z…
Nice. fwiw - I found it helpful to use another script along with a 24"x16" homedepot framing square to double check after initial squaring using Jamie’s script too. Let me if interested and will dig that out…