Another Florida Build... LR3 #2

I don’t remember exactly. Wasn’t too bad though. I was looking at the timing to cut out a 1450mm one for my full sheet machine last night and without the windows just the holes and cut it out it was 1.5 hrs. estimated

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Those pens are picky. Smooth paper, light pressure, and you can’t draw too fast…or they die.

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Oh, that does not sound too bad. I’d need to flip them again because my machine isn’t big enough, but I am really contemplating it. Even better would be CFK, but I like to live and I like my money. :smiley:

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Can you get it at an angle??? Be a pain to set up but still better than flipping and lining up again

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Yeah…they do awesome on paper…MDF not so much LOL. That first line was great…then it just died. I tried running paper under it between lines and that worked on the first one but not after that. That’s why I switched back to the felt tip.

The thicker lines are a natural reminder that tolerance is a thing. If you need more accuracy than the felt tip can give you, you should probably be using something other than the pen lines to line it up.

I would use that ruler on every job, just to gauge where to put the material to make sure I had enough room. Seems very useful. For that use case, I would probably only mark every 5mm or so. If it needed more precision than that, I would probably want to use the machine to measure it out.


This wasnt at all for accuracy or for the true need to line it up. This was strictly because I could lol.


First actual cut on the new LR3. Bottom panel for my V4 out of some old 1/4” plywood my dad had. Going to spray paint it black before installing

From the best I can tell I might be about .5mm out of square. But I don’t think that’s the case. That short didn’t come out quite as round as the others. That was the start/stop point.


Hey, just found your channel and subscribed! Thumbs up on your cool new LowRider V3 and your Mostly Printed 3D Printer V4!

( Says me about 15 minutes after you already replied over on YouTube! ) :rofl:

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Hmm… :smiley:

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That looks like your answer right there.

One thing to be sure…Check the thickness of your aluminum when you buy it. Turns out the sheet I got for the little LR3 was 3/16" not 1/4" (my bad @vicious1 ) but still was strong enough to make it where I cant flex it at all. This sheet I got for this next set is true 1/4" so at 1450 mm it should be good LOL. Now I just have to cut the sheet down so it will fit on the new 3x5 LR3


Doing a little surfacing. Guess I stood still too long and the motion sensing lights turned off. But I could still see the cut lol


Nothing to see here. Just a LR3 making race car parts…


Use the vacuum! You are making me mad with chips in the bearings. :smiley: How’s that car supposed to look?


Im sorry to hurt your poor little feelings @Tokoloshe… LOL Seems counter active to use the vacuum one direction then blow air/IPA the other lol. But i did go back and vacuum after this pic if that makes you feel better.

Will post some pics of the car in a few. They are out there working on it under the shade tree.

Its hot here in Florida today LOL


Uff, 42°C…

Louisiana….it’s been the same here

This is what it’s like in my shop when I get home

“Feels like” 115 in there

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I believe it! I usually work out of Louisiana offshore and it’s brutal. Luckily we are now in the north east for a little while. Headed back next week and already looking forward to the weather difference lol

We’ve had 18°C here… My shop usually keeps the same temperature, no windows towards the sun, a flat on top of it…

Uff 64.4° F