And so it begins :)

These are printed with Bambu’s PLA-CF, 0.6 nozzle, .30 layer height.

Still deciding if I should strip my MPCNC to build this guy.

Question, I use external drivers on my MPCNC, anyway to use those in the Lowrider design?


Dannnnnnng those prints are nice!!


Thanks, very pleased with how they came out :slight_smile:


If you don’t strip down the MPCNC, what will you use for a control board on the LR4?
Either way you go, you may want to get your strut plates cut on the MPCNC before any teardown.

There’s a lot of room in the beam, so in theory you could put external drivers in there.
The big question, though, is why? The TMC2209s on a Jackpot or SKR pro are more than capable enough for the LR4 and its’ recommended seppers.

Your first prints look really great!


For a control board I was thinking of sticking with what I know which is the Bart Dring 6-pack.

Regards the why on the external drivers, I switched from TMC2130s which never felt as though they provided enough power to the steppers. Perhaps I’d configured them incorrectly. The external drivers really improved the oomph of the machine, and seeing as I already paid for them figured they couldn’t hurt :slight_smile:


WOW, nice prints!!!

Like @MakerJim said, there’s tons of room in the LR 4 gantry.


Thanks :slight_smile: Got it, so you can use the gantry to house everything, makes sense. :+1:

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Yes and in the LR4, unlike the LR3, the gantry is open on the back - no rear strut plate. So whatever you need covered or want covered, you cover it however you see fit. Ease of access is on by default. This also means ease of access for dust and chips, so, do whatever you need to do.


Did you print this with the X1C? Looks awesome and makes me want a 0.6mm nozzle!

Those prints are soo good they look like renders! I think I have bee printing with big nozzles too long. I need one to print like that!


Ha - thanks for the kind words :slight_smile:

These were done with my P1S and really liking the 0.6 nozzle although their default filament profiles are usually for 0.4, feels like they don’t give the bigger nozzles enough love.

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It kind of looks like Prusa’s fuzzy skin option, no clear lines, a bit blurred.

The PLA-CF definitely hides the layers, more like a matte filament than fuzzy skin though. Here’s a close up of the logo where the layers are more visible, on flat parts they are subtle.


Nice. It really makes them nearly vanish. :slight_smile:


Nice! i started yesterday with PETG-CF. Never build anything like this :sweat_smile:


Awesome print, what printer did you use if you don’t mind me asking

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Bambu Labs P1S

Got the struts cut on my trusty (soon to be dismembered) MPCNC, used the vcarve tiling feature which worked a treat.

So many moons ago I built a boat bed for my son

and when I say many moons he’s now 21 :slight_smile: But I used this cool teak and holy marine ply to build it and have stashed the off cuts ever since. Figured it would be perfect for the strut plates.

They need some sanding and finish but should look pretty cool, spent a bunch of time faffing around so the lines were nicely centered on the front plate.

Think I’m about ready to actually start construction :slight_smile:


Oh yeah that look soo good.

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That is an incredible story of those planks. What an honor for the Low Rider.