Accuracy / Tolerances

But not something like your arm… :drop_of_blood: :ambulance: :hospital:

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I am not 100% sure what you mean here my friend… can you give me a bit more detail please ?

There is precious little info on the internet. I’ve got my probe setup and in the process of setting up a vise to do more metal work so this is on my radar but haven’t done it yet will post some photos if it works out well.

Here are the manual links:

Update: I actually got it going… here is some G425 V output.
May not be completely accurate as my vise isn’t screwed down and I was just using my mill bit will have to redo it with 1/8" rod. Looks like backlash could be worth correcting for.

Left: 0.12
Right: 0.12
Front: 0.06
Back: 0.03
Top: 0.06

Greg, I think your “left” and “right” backlash numbers are quite high. I posted this a while back:

So my average backlash was only 0.020 - 0.030mm, similar to your “back” measurement.

It looks like your X axis has some mechanical issue, like too much play somewhere or a loose belt or something. Another possibility is that your probe does not make good electrical contact on some sides. Make sure the surfaces are really clean and have no rust etc.

It shouldn’t really matter whether the vise is bolted down. If you have good contact then the force should be very tiny. You need to watch the probe as it touches the vise, it should really barely touch it and not try to move any further.

Remember I am using a four by eight foot lowrider and you are using an MPCNC. I wasn’t all that suprised by the bigger X backlash due to the design… there could be some twisting caused by pulling the heavy platform back and forth from the very edge. Anyways… I’m going to come up with a better vise installation (my carriage is almost all the way up right now because the vise is too high) and probe with a rod and give it a try and see if the number change.

@peter I did some more extensive testing and tried some of your suggestions and always seems to get the same backlash results… if you have time to have a look I started another thread here:

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