2x4 new Build.. how bad did I mess up?

So I just got to the final assembly page and put the gantry on. When I did, I quickly realized that home (0,0) would not work the way I wanted. When facing the machine, it should be 4ft wide and 2ft deep, wanting home to be on the front left corner.

I'm wondering what would be the easiest way to fix this seeing I have the dual end stop mounts on the motors already?


Option A: Can I disassemble the gantry and reassemble with the XY blocks reversed with the other one on top of the other?


Option B: A complete teardown and change the dual endstop mounts on the motors o home is on the right side.


Option C: Put my long rails on top and short ones on bottom so that it matches the gantry.



Your home is currently closest to that red toolbox, which seems like what you are wanting. You just have the tool facing a different way, no big deal you can change it if you want or leave it, no difference functionally.

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So I ended up taking apart and swapping the outer spans. All good :slight_smile:

I have mine set up the same as your pictures, with the tool facing in the positive X, negative Y direction. Width (x-axis) is larger than depth (y-axis) and (0,0) is at the left front.

I have a bit of extra room to put clamps or something to the left of the leftmost tool position, but the tool is still facing toward me so I don’t have to reach to the back side to change tools.

My build came together this way by accident, and after thinking about it for a while, I decided it was the best of the four possible orientations.

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