ZenXYv2 Step Files

Have the STEP files for the 3-D printed parts been uploaded anywhere yet? I converted the STL’s to Brep’s but that seems to really bog down Fusion 360.

@vicious1 . I thought that was supposed to come. But the github link in the docs goes nowhere.

Shoot I thought that was the first thing I did. My appologies. I will work on that first thing.

Thanks Ryan! I grabbed the files from Github. This will make it a lot easier for me to do a good job designing my table.

Sorry it took so long!

Any chance the STEP files for the US EMT version might be available? Thanks!

I think I have the CAD or the step file sup somewhere. Should be linked for the printables thingiverse page or the instructions.

Thank you, I’ll check. Cheers!

What size tubing do the STEP files on GitHub support? It looks like the trucks are setup to capture 18mm tubing for the X axis (9.15mm radius for the cutouts). The Cross Corners however have an 11.8mm radius / 23.6mm diameter, so what tubing size is intended there?


You should see the size in the title of the printable/thingiverse page. Some of the parts are also labeled accordingly.

If I do not have the CAD up you can not easily change tubing size. It is an older project I have not seen the files in a while. What are you actually trying to do?

The US version fits 1/2" and 3/4" EMT. The international fits the metric equivalent.

I’m going to build the ZenXY and try it as a pen plotter, and then perhaps a laser engraver/cutter. :slight_smile:

I’m working with the step files now, so I should be able to modify things to support what I need.

Thank you for all your work! I have the MPCNC Primo and Low Rider v3 in different build stages already :slight_smile:

Unfortunately I did not make the zen in fusion so I can not share the CAD easily. I do not currently even have a copy of SolidWorks to open the files I have in offline storage.

I fully intend to revist the Zen but every time I start I get pulled into another project.


Personally, I don’t see a problem with the Zen v2. I can’t see a lot of room for improvement, so long as you can get the required tubing.

Some things could be better, but are limitations of using a magnet to move a steel ball around. A few more options for tube size maybe good, but I’d probably just spend a bit more time looking for tubing, myself.

There is not much room, but there are a couple tiny things I would change and if you run fluidNC on it currently you need to trim the endstop flag manually. So we either need to convince the fluid guys to add back a negative offset, or I need to add adjustable flags. The problem is I would need to do it all over since I do not have solidworks anymore.

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The STL/3MF import into Fusion isn’t too bad to work with, I think I have a fusion project with them all in as is. It does the thing with 10,000,000,000 triangles for me of course, because I’m freeloading, but it does a good enough job to work with. Probably the paid version does it better, might be easier to work with, but of course you dont get back the noce dimensioned sketches.

Just a thought.

Now I don’t remember what I did about the flags… it looks like I did somethjng that clamps a piece of black nylon ziptie end-cut in place. I dont want to take it apart, because it’s not at my home, and works so well…

I tried importing the whole assembly in as an actual parasolid and Fusion did not like it. I tried several ways and all the dependencies and links and things were gone. I get the actual parts but they felt worthless to me since the actual work was gone.

I really really want to remake it.