Z travel

Thanks Jeff, im gonna get a probe and try! :+1:
Can you explain this?

There was another reply here, Im gonna try and see what happens.

However, i noticed that if Im in the move menu and choose for example Z axis, it starts to move front and back just like 0.1 mm and so.
Same happens if i choose another axis. The selected axis starts to vibrate in the same way.
I made a video but i seems like i cant upload it.

I also don’t understand this statement. For Marlin, “G28” will home all axes, and “G28 Z” should indeed home only the Z axis.

On a LowRider, the Z axis homes to Z max, and that should not be wonky.

The considerable issues that @JW1 described, won’t be solved by merely getting a touchplate. The issues need addressed, worked out, and solved. Should not be moving 50 mm when 10 mm was commanded, or be moving 5 mm when 10 mm was commanded. Should not need to drastically alter e-steps to get correct movement, especially when it is to fix the over movement while then causing under movement at all other times. Also, the jitter he described, moving back and forth on any axis when that was not commanded, should not be happening. ??

Even though Jeffs answer is going to help me your offcourse right. The problem with the jitter is there.

I dont know if its a related fault but if the machine is in home position and i break the power, on of the z motors just let go and the machine falls down in that side.

Process of elimination is allways good, right now i just dont have any idea of where to begin?

Steps per mm should be derived from the pitch of the leadscrew and the number of steps (or microsteps) per revolution, not to keep the machine from hitting a limit.

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A well lubed and properly aligned LowRider will have its gantry drop on the Z axis without power. A lot of guys use blocks under it when shutting down, so it lands on the blocks.

Sometimes when the core is on one side or the other, only the side with the weight of the core will drop. Usually on mine, if the core is positioned in the middle before powering off, both my sides will drop.

If you swap the wires from X or Y stepper to the Z driver, and swap the wires from Z stepper to X or Y driver, you could test wiring on “new” driver. Bear in mind the steps are quite different between Z and the others.

Thats a thought but all motors behave the same.
I Wonder if its a current issue?
I soldered extensions on the stepper wires. I noticed that they where quite thin.

If not all steppers are doing the thing of moving 50 mm when you told it to move 10, then the swap may be helpful.

G28 does home, but on repetier it seems to no matter what tell you there is 200MM of Z travel, the only way I’ve been able to get that right is setting Z and going from there

Also when I stated wonky, I didn’t mean the machine, I mean the commands that it was getting from Repeteir, it seems like when you home the machine with simple G28, and run any Z command it doesn’t send the LowRider the correct GCode, I have had it where I sent it down 1mm from the TFT and G01 Z-1 from Repetier and it just kept going driving into the table doing a wheelie.

I am assuming there is a problem with the repetier setup, or my setup of it anyway.

I cannot be certain, but this may be a case of move commands while in either gcode mode of g90 or g91, while expecting the other mode.

If you google “gcode g90 vs g91” you get a quick help note that says it this way:

These G codes change the way the axis commands are interpreted. Axes commands following a G90 will move the axes to the machine coordinate. Axes commands following a G91 will move the axis that distance from the current point .

Put another way, if you are in G90 mode, and you give a command to go Z -1, you are saying to go to the machine coordinate of Z = -1, not telling the machine to move down -1 from where it is currently.

Come to think of it, this business of G90 versus G91, may explain why @JW1 was having strange results with using Repetier host.

@JW1 can you confirm which of the two modes you were in, and that you were tracking the difference between “absolute coordinate” commands versus “relative to where the machine is now” commands?

NOTE: I have not ever used Repetier host, and so I may be off base, but it’s worth mentioning.

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Thankyou all for now, got some homework to do. Ill get back here. Just curious, what is the default settings regarding steps per mm for the LR3 using the V1E recommended parts?

I’m pretty sure my lead screws are the same type as the V1E recommended parts, and my Z steps/mm are set to 200.

About the jittering which i found mist disturbing.
The facts… Headless mode…

  • It starts when in the ”Move” menu.
  • Only the selected axle jitters.
  • If i change how much i want it to move from 0.1 mm which is default in headless mode to 1 or 10 mm the jittering become proportionally larger. It goes from jitter to moving front and back.


Thanks Jeff!

This sounds like your screen thinks that the buttons are being held down / faulty screen. !!!

Im gonna check that out. It works as it should besides this issue. One thing, if i go to terminal, nothing happens when i press the screen and i have to pull the plug to start over.

But if the screen is the problem i should be able to unplug it and try from repetier h.

It was a stupid rookie mistake! Guess i was excited to see this thing moving.
The connections at the back of the TFT where wrong. Im ashamed and happy at the same time.

Thankyou for all your input! :facepunch:t3::star_struck:

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Glad you got it sorted out!

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