I’m having similar issues, causing the gantry to drop depending which side the router is on.
I just checked my voltages on the signal pin when eStops are activated. All are at 2.03v.
I’m having similar issues, causing the gantry to drop depending which side the router is on.
I just checked my voltages on the signal pin when eStops are activated. All are at 2.03v.
I am not sure what any of this means.
If you power down with the router axis in the air, it generally only falls on the side the router is on. You should end your gocde with the router down, or use a park routine to set it down after your job. Details on the milling basics or dual lowrider pages in the docs.
Sorry, I was continuing a thought I had in my other thread. I’ll edit it, so It makes more sense.
You can delete this thread, I’ll just watch the thread this was split from. I’m having the same issues with the end stops not triggering.
What control board?
Original Thread I posted
I apologize for muddying up the threads.
If you are sure all your connections are solid, this fix from that thread has been to remove the LED from the board, or add a resistor to the connection.
Do you think you are willing to try either of those?
I’m going to try the resistors, I like the LEDs for visual checks.
I’ll add a 1K bridging the #1 pin and #3 pin on the end stop plug. I wired it up using 3 pin plugs, so it won’t be too difficult.
Thanks for giving it a shot. Sorry for the funky board. I want to stay with the SKR but I think we have to move to the Octopus mainly because of this weird issue.
No need to apologize, these things happen. This is an awesome machine you designed, and I can’t wait to put it to good use.