what are people using for a z limit switch? I’ve seen a few ideas but nothing that I like.
the best place i could find to put the switch is directly below the upper z bearing (see picture)
I will make a braked to hold the switch which is secured using the bolt directly behind it and have a piece to hit which screws into the upper right screw of the tool support.
does anyone see any issues with this or have a better idea?
A touch plate makes the most sense. Z home is an ever changing target, as is the position of the tip of the tool.
I do not use a z switch, unless I am doing a tool change. you do not have to home all axes, or any for that matter. I assume you are using the dual endstop firmware?
how do you define the Z global positive limit? the touch plate will only define the relative worpiece 0?
for the electronics I already have a Mach3 setup with 3x KL-4030 drivers. it’s from a previous CNC build. I was planning on using that to see how well it preforms before deciding if it should replace my current CNC
flexing the axis, the MPCNC already feels stiffer than my old unit, especially the Z axis.
There isn’t a real good way to define the max z in software. I suppose you could do an end stop for z positive. I just drew a line on the tube with a sharpie about a centimeter lower than where my threaded rod uncouples. Usually you’re only going to go up from your work piece whatever you have defined as your clearance height anyway.
I think i found a nice solution for a max-Z endstop, see figure:
[attachment file=83564]
I mount the switch on the body and use a counter sunk screw through the tool mount. Its not in the way of any tool holders and is hidden. I didn’t even need to print anything new. It might be a nice addition to the burly and the tool holder models to just have the mounting holes in the model. Doesn’t hurt if you use them or not.
I know using endstops can be a pain since you have to home then command the tool down to your touch plate and start point.
I accept this extra time because it :
Lets me use dual endstop axis on my machine so that I can have correction factors for square.
Have software max endstops (So i never run it off the rails even in relative motion mode.)
I also like to home my z-axis so that I can have repeat ability after a tool change.
Sorry to necro, but i didn't want to start a new thread for a minor comment. Thought i would share for others.
I’m nearly finished with my build and I have some questions about the Z end-stop. Your post only added to my questions.
In the Auto Squaring/dual end-stop setup, the end-stops are listed as;
Xmin=X1 limit switch
Xmax=X2 limit switch
Ymin=Y1 limit Switch
Ymax=Y2 Limit switch
Zmin=Touch probe. Signal pin to the plate, negative to the tool.
The use of a touch plate and alligator clip suggest setting the home position based on the board height you'll be cutting. That brings up another question but I'll hold that...
Your post suggests a maximum height end-stop to prevent you from dunning the gimble too high.
Am I understanding all this correctly? If yes, where on the Ramps board did you wire your extra end-stop and did you need to change the code to respond to the extra end-stop.