XYZ Touch Probe from Aliexpress

Hello everybody!
My name is Sebastian from Germany and I am currently building a Lowrider. I built a MPCNC a couple years ago before it became burly and primo (2m by 1m) and that thing is still up and running as a Laserengraver/Cutter.

The lowrider I am building right now should serve as a CNC with a 2.2kw spindle to be able to cut full sheet materials in a reasonable time, while remaining sturdy.

I am also willing to implement a XYZ Probe that I have (available from Aliexpress) and want to use it with some g38 macros. The Probe has a USB-C to 3-Pin Conection with 5 to 24V, a GND and a Signal Pin.
Signal Pin is High when Probe is connected, and Low when Probe is triggered.

In the provided screenshot from the SKR Pro 1.2 manual it is stated that we fry our Boards if we use 5V pin there, unless we use an active probe - which is the case here, or?

Need some help if I can use and connect the probe or if there is something I can’t see right now.

Thank you very much in advance!

The Probe I have and tend to use:

Additional Info to the Probe:

The SKR Pro v1.2 limit switch connectors you highlight are 3v3 and not 5v. Your Ali probe specifies 5v minimum so you cannot use the limit switch sockets for the power

You can use the signal and ground connections in the limit switch connector but you have to obtain the 5v from elsewhere, it is available at J41 as shown

Hey Mike,
thank you for replying! So if I take the 5V from the Pin you specified and connect signal and ground to the endstop connection like I would with the touchplate it should work and I am good to go? As far as I thought this through the signal pin will be also 5V?
I am a little bit concerned about the “frying your board thing” from the first screenshot provided.

Sounds right to me. The signal pin will appear to be 5v until the sensor is triggered when it will appear to be zero volts.
I’m not sure why Ryan put that note on his writeup (I assume it was Ryan) but the 3v3 is produced by a small regulator with a one amp current supplying capacity and the uP and therefore all the outputs are powered from the 3v3 so there is not much left for external use before the fuse blows or the regulator lets out the magic smoke.

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Oh well… turns out that thing isn’t working anymore and I am waiting to get a new one. The one I had is not lighting up anymore when supplied with voltage. So right know I can’t give feedback if the probe might work as intended. To bad.
I also have a toollenght sensor laying around. Unfortunately I am short of endstop connections. Any suggestions how to use that as well in addition to the XYZ Probe?

I was talking about the probe that is not working, the skr board is fine. Just in case what I wrote was misleading.