X2 and y2

does anyone have the pin layout for these on an arduino and ramps setup. cant figure out where to plug the ends stops in for x2 and y2. this is for the duel endstop version. cant seem to locate it.

Does this help? Where did you source your card? What version?



It’s kind of hard to figure out from this. I’m looking. Good question! The Archim board I use has the extra slots more clearly labeled.

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X2 should be the xmax endstop and Y2 should be the ymax endstop. I’m assuming you know how to connect an endstop, so I’m skipping the s- talk.

In case you didn’t see the diagram in any of the links I posted above. I assume this is some version of your board.

If you are unsure still or have a board that doesn’t look like this, take a good closeup of your board and post it here. We can point it out.

It sometimes is hard to look at a schematic and map the correct locations to the physical board you have. Then sometimes the boards aren’t labeled very well.