X axis homing in wrong direction

Starting to loose it over this. Using a btt 1.4 turbo with TMC2209 drivers and firmware from the V1 github. I’ve tried reversing the stepper wiring and it will home but then left and right are reversed during use.
Also tried changing #define X_HOME_DIR -1 in the firmware with platformIO but I’ve never used this before and not sure if im doing it correctly. Absolute noob when it comes to marlin.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.

First off, let’s make sure that you’re using the same coordinate basis that we are.

the picture that you are showing of your machine, that looks to me like the back of the machine, and that crown looks like it’s upside down to me.

The “normal” view of the machine is the opposite side, with the rail on the right hand side, and the X home on the side away from the Y rail. That’s the way that the sitch is.

Moving X in a positive direction should move the router towards the Y rail. Moving in a negative direction should move the router away from the rail. The furthest point there is where the X homing limit switch is

Moving Y in a positive direction should move the beam towards the side where the control box is. From your picture that would be towards the camera.

Moving Y in a negative direction should move the beam towards the router (Towards the bike in your picture.) At the furthest limit of travel in that direction is where the Y limit switches should trigger.

For completeness, moving Z in a positive direction should lift the beam away from the spoilboard. This completes a “right hand” set of coordinates.

Doug Joseph has a modification which allows the X axis to home to the left in your picture there, which he uses to swap the X and Y axes so that X is along the wide dimension of the table, and you stand opposite the Y rail to look at the machine. without that modification there is no way to trigger a switch to home the machine to the other side. It sounds like you have the Y limit switches going to the opposite side, but that’s not how they were intended to go.


Hi Dan you were correct about the Y axis being wrong, I somehow got it in my head that it should home the other way. I’ve changed it around and all is working as it should now. Thanks heaps for your help.