Not sure if this is the right place to ask this. I use FluidNC, but on a TinyBee board.
This has happened a few times now.
When I hit reset (next to the pause button) on the webui when something goes wrong or when I want to stop a job my MPCNC stops like it should.
But when I than use the controlpanel or send a command in the in the webui to move the z axis up, often the X and Y axis will than move slowly too.
I have no idea how to trouble shoot this or what would be the right way to cancel a job without doing a reboot.
This is a part of the info in the terminal when I didn’t forget to save it.
You can see that after the “g1 z0 f80” command that the position of X and Y changed too. This time it didn’t move that much, but some times it moves a few cm in X/Y while slowely lifting Z. Often times through the work piece.
Grbl 3.0 [FluidNC v3.0.x (noGit) (wifi) '$' for help]
g1 z0 f80
Any help or tips are appreciated.