I’m working on creating a spoilboard with t-tracks. I already have the t-tracks and now trying to figure out how to cut the slots out. The t-tracks are 3/4 wide. and I will have 8 tracks 2 inches apart. My question is what bit is best to cut out the slot and would I use the v-bit path.I tested with a profile toolpath and it just did an outline. I’m using Carveco to create the file. Thanks for the help.
You should do a pocket (inside cut to remove all the material inside the rectangle) sorry i only use vectric aspire & estlcam for CAM
Since you are going to use a 3/4" track you should use a 6mm or a 1/4" bit
I’d just saw the wood into strips and put the tracks in between. I don’t really see the advantage of the pockets.