Workflow for pockets with rounded corners

Hi guys,

I am a bit lost. I am trying to improve the workflow for my snack tray (Snack tray). In order to do this I bought a tray bit from sorotec (Sorotec Online-Shop - Schalenfräser Ø19,0mm).

But it seems that this bit is not really made for pocketing with a CNC? After the first layer I stopped because at the bottom I created a lot of burn/smoke.

Is this the right bit and I have some mistakes in my Workflow (i could provide details from estlcam)? Or am I using the wrong tool for the job?

You could use it, I’d have recommended this one: Sorotec Online-Shop - Radiusfräser Holz 15° Spirale

I got it in 6mm and I use it strictly for the last “peel”, so to speak. I have a pocket that is smaller than the one I want by 3mm on each side and then have another one where I just do a cut inside with the round one. Might work for you, too.

If everything burns, turn down the RPM, maybe go slower as well.

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I did something similar for my first try. But I used one of those ball shaped bits (not ball böse only), which did not work well.

Do you know a trick to create the “inner pocket” (the one cut with the straight edge bit) as an offset of the outside contour in estlcam?

You could go the other way round and draw the inner pocket and then add 3mm as “Schlichtzugabe” in a new path where you dont pocket but just cut out.

You would add the radius of your ball nose bit to your pocketing operation as the “Schlichtzugabe”, then do a second operation with the ball nose bit just as a hole, not a pocket.

That sounds a lot smarter than two paths. :smiley:

Well, the rpm solved my problem. I even could increase the Feedrate. But I will keep the idea with 2 bits in mind for situations where I cannot use my bowl bit

Thx for the support :slight_smile:

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