Work In Progress.

I only have the XYZ pieces left to print. My modified Printrbot has done well but is still a little small for these two. I’m hoping to cut the models and reprint once my build is complete. Aiming for a 24" x 24" x 10" build volume.

Purchased kit has been really easy to assemble with my printed parts so far.

Where are you located? I can possibly help you out to print the center parts.

Thanks for the offer. I’m in the Pittsburgh area (15237). Looks like you are a little far away from your pictures and we would have to snail mail each other.

I’m just hoping the “cut” XYZ will hold together enough to print out a new set. I also only printed at 20% infill to speed things up and I am anticipating the need to re-print piece as they fail. I’m going to start out using it as a 3D printer only.

My Christmas list includes the DeWalt router, so maybe I’ll start machining in the new year!

Whew… a year later and I have made some progress. I’ve been putting this offer as I work full time, handle a 3 year old son, and go back to school. Finally put my foot down and stayed up til 2am to get this far. I was tired of the partially assembled parts laying around. Still needs belts and a full base (hence the extra length of pipe extending out) but this should get done in the next week or two.