Hey guys, finally done planning and now purchasing all the parts I still need for this lowrider v4 project. In 2019 I was in the process of making an MPCNC and then I moved abroad and kind of forgot about it. Last time I was visiting my parents I found a box of the MPCNC parts and brought them back with me in the hopes that I can use them for the lowrider.
I have this RAMBO 1.4a control board. Looking at it I think it supports 5 drivers (photo below). Will it also work with the stepper motor drivers (BIGTREETECH TMC2209 V1.3)? And does anyone know what screen it would work with? I had this one on my list: https://www.amazon.nl/dp/B0BS6HZYYN/
I can’t easily find the Jackpot controller over here. If that would really be better I can consider picking it up on my next trip to the US which will be in ~2 or 3 months, but I would rather get started with this project sooner rather than later!
If this one doesn’t work, would a BIGTREETECH SKR Pro v1.4 work? Those are a bit easier to find on amazon.nl it seems.
Thanks in advance! I am kind of new to this world so a lot of the parts don’t make sense to me yet, but I was able to build my prusa 3d printer from a kit and I’m hoping this won’t be too much of a stretch for me.
I’m 99% sure that this board only has 5 endstop ports, so it won’t work for the LR4, which uses 6 (including the Z probe) EDIT - well I’m glad I didn’t say 100% - @robertbu points out below that it does have 6 endstop positions available
There is a SKR Pro v1.2, and a SKR v1.4 (as well as a SKR v1.4 Turbo), but as far as I can tell, there is no SKR Pro v1.4
The SKR Pro V1.2 was the go to board for a long time, so if you aren’t going with the Jackpot, then that one is probably the best choice, as there will be lots of users here that can help you out if (when) problems arise.
Thank you. I think, based on the cost of the Jackpot controller on the shop here, I will have it shipped to my parents and ask them to mail it on to me. I can try to keep it under the customs amount so there’s no extra taxes. It will also save having to buy the drivers from aliexpress and wait weeks (mail from the US usually comes in a week), I can get the recommended board, and I can support the shop.
This board will work with the LR4, plus V1 maintains firmware just for this board. V1 used to carry this board in the store. You don’t need a sixth stepper driver for the Z probe. This board runs Marlin while the Jackpot runs FluidNC so your firmware experience will be different. I run this board (Rambo) on my MPCNC Primo with a display.
No, but you do need 6 endstop ports (if you want to use a Z probe), and from what I can tell from the vendor documentation, the Rambo only has 5. Maybe I’m wrong about this…
No, you only need 5, but the board does have 6. From the pinout:
The Rambo was one of the standard boards sold by V1 for the Lowrider for years.
I use a Rambo board for my Primo and I have a touch plate installed. I actually have a couple of different touch-plate-like things attached to the single Rambo Z- pin, and they all works fine.
I stand corrected about the number of available endstop ports, but how do you come up with only needing 5 for the LR4? (For the MPCNC, you are right that it only needs 5)
I don’t own a Lowrider. I know from a number of posts on the forum that the probe uses Z min. I assumed that homing would uses Z min as well, but after a bit of searching, it is likely Z homing uses Z max. So you may be right about needed all six of the endstop connections. If homing of Z uses a normally closed connection, Z max would be required, since the probing using an normally open connection.