Who wants to vote for me?

Full post here by jeffeb3
SIsyphus industries is hosting a contest for sand patterns. As the creator of sandify, I had to throw my hat in the ring. I made one pattern for each category, and they are going to give out a table ($1500 table) to the user with the most votes in each category. So I am going to beg you all for some support. I spent a bunch of time trying to make something from a good idea, and show off what sandify can do. This is what I came up with:


It’s a beach scene. The tables have to start and stop in the center or the edge. I am really happy with the sky pattern, and I like how subtle it ended up looking. Making the palm trees from patterns we already had really makes it interesting. If you haven’t tried the playlist features in sandify, this is a good example of what they are capable of:

Tasting Flight

I imagined this sort of as a taste of what sandify can do. I started with a much longer pattern, but it basically broke the table software and it was an 8 hour pattern or so. I slimmed it down to three shapes and three ways to say “cheers”. I imagine two friends having a drink, hypnotized by the slowly shrinking pattern, wondering, “is this going to be the last loop before the next cheers?”.

Big thanks to Bobnik (Bobc) for all the work on sandify. Bob also pushed me to enter the contest and he has some great patterns in there as well. He has a table, and was nice enough to run my patterns for me. I was able to hone them only because I could see what they looked like.

Here are Bob’s patterns:
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

Finally, here are the pattern files. It’s not clear if the contest is going to make these publicly available. I am sure the top contenders are going to end up in the sisyphus universe. I am definitely going to be sharing mine. You can load any of these into sandify and scale them, or adjust the limits and export as svg, thr, or gcode.

staycation thr
tasting flight thr


Done, I like the palm trees!

If voters don’t receive the confirmation Email check your spam folder, it’s where mine ended up.


You have my votes. I set up an 24 hour alarm to remind me to vote again lol


That’s awesome. I didn’t realize it would let us vote over and over again. I do know it’s important to get to the top of the pile quickly, because not many people are going to watch 8 pages of entries. So if you only vote once, vote today.

Thanks for the votes!


Once a day!!!

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Voted. Great job.


Got my vote


Palm trees here, too. Really neat!


Moving on up!!!

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voted… cool designs






Got my vote


Really like the palm tree




I am probably not the only one who has more than one mail address. Useful to help here :slight_smile:

How can I clear - without too much effort - the cookie that these guys obviously leave on my PC to avoid multiple votes?

Of course from different users with different mail addresses who all happen to share that one PC… :wink: Firefox 81.

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Cool idea. May I suggest to add Lissajous patterns to the selection?

Linear plots of AM, FM and PM sine waves are also a promising topic.

(also interesting for producing art on the MPCNC)

May I also draw your attention to the area scan patterns deduced from the work of Giuseppe Peano, an italian mathematician who lived in the 19th and 20th century? Similar to Hilbert, but different.

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New day, new votes!

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Lol 2 more from me