I’ve tried the Amazon route but they all suck. I don’t mind spending a little extra, but I don’t want to wind up with the same crap I’ve found on Amazon.
Thanks! I had my eye on some THK (Japanese) sold by Misumi. Couple of bucks more than the Misumi brand, so not sure which is better, but I’m glad to get some positive feedback on Misumi, as both are reasonably priced.
Brass bushings are pretty good, if you can keep them lubricated. The brass is used, though, because it wears down more easily than the steel shaft it slides on, and therefore more easily replaced. It will start to wear quickly unless lubricated.
Oilite bushings last longer, and have some self-lubricating features, but still have a limited lifespan, and shorter than the LM series bearings. They also don’t like impact at all, and any dust or grit will eat them, best used in clean environments. Good and cheap when they are kept to their environment though.