Which preset should I use?

I have just built a new controller using an Arduino Nano, and now that I have Estlcam 12 it is time to program the chip and get the system up and running. After using version 11 for a few years my old controller started giving some USB errors, maybe the computer or the wiring or the board itself, so I decided to build a new one from scratch.
Version 11 I used the GRBL preset, just because that Nano had GRBL on it, and it seemed to work fine all this time, but when I moved over to 12 I find that some of the gcodes are not supported. Maybe they weren’t supported with 11 as well, but I never saw a message saying so.
I sent an email to Christian asking his advise, but possibly he is too busy at this time and hasn’t answered. I am sure that someone on the forum would know, so hopefully I can get it sorted out soon.

Maybe I understood you wrong, but isn’t it right here?

And if you are using Estlcam as the controller as well, why not pick “Arduino Nano”? :slight_smile:

Okay, I misunderstood the question, you know where to find it. Still: Why not use the Nano preset? I am using a Mega and it works fine.

Thanks Philipp,
Looks like I have done it correctly, but got confused with the other screen in basic settings that has the pre-sets (no Arduino listed there). I have selected Arduino Nano, the information on that screen is what I used to design the controller hardware, so I guess I should forget about the basic settings pre-set as it wont be needed.

You are welcome. 12 moved the settings to the CNC part away from the CAM. Confused me as well at the beginning but makes sense. :slight_smile:

The only G-code that the Estlcam controller supports (v11+12) is G00-G03, I/J, F/S and M00-M11 sans M02/4/7. Any unsupported G-code will be colored red and otherwise ignored.

When installing the Estlcam controller firmware use the Estlcam presets for Setup : Basic and CNC Programs. The GRBL preset is for generating GRBL compatible G-code that you will be running on a GRBL board w/ GRBL firmware.

The only difference between the Estlcam and GRBL hardware options is the pinouts, what pins are used for what signals. The GRBL option makes it easy to install the Estlcam firmware on a lot of GRBL boards.

…See also: Dave Lers : Workshop : CNC : Estlcam