Which is better Bosch, Royal or Makita

I don’t know about how well they’d cut aluminium (I’d guess all equally well, if the rest of the machine was properly tuned), but in general, the issues with cutting alu are usually issues of heat build-up and chip evacuation, causing the chips or stock to weld to the bit or collet. All three of these should have plenty of power to cut aluminium.

From close second-hand knowledge (my father was a general contractor for many, many years), I know that Makita and Bosch are quality tool makers. And I’ve not heard a lot of bad things about Ryobi. From a pure logistics point of view, I’d be tempted by the Ryobi or Makita, because the power cord comes out of the top of the body, not the side, so it will be easier to deal with when figuring out the mount. I know there are mounts for Makitas, but I haven’t seen many (any?) for the Ryobis. The Bosch mounts I’ve seen are mostly for the Colts, which appear to only be available in NA. Having a known working mount available to print is always a good thing…

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