Where can I get the FluidNC.pp file?

Hi all,
Where can I get the FluidNC.pp file? I don’t see a link from the docs, and the link I found in some forum posts is now 404 (https://docs.v1e.com/img/jackpot/FluidNC.pp)

Any ideas?


Not sure why the link is broken, but here is an old copy I had laying around

FluidNC.zip (1.1 KB)

Note that this will only work with EstlCAM 11.

I would probably recommend either way, EstlCAM 11 or 12, to just manually enter the settings as described in the docs rather than importing the file.

If you do use this file, then I would recommend going through each setting and verifying that the correct things are selected as described.

It’s not a lot of settings, so it’s probably safer to manually enter them anyway.

I’ll tag @vicious1, he may have purposely removed the file for that reason, and if not, then he’ll see to fix it.


I took it out because I was updating the page to v12. Not exactly sure the best way to go about the two versions and two machines. I am not confident supplying that file is needed anymore since the setup is even easier than before.