Hi there,
I’m at the phase in my build where I connect the spindle and I was looking for docs for those steps? The docs appear to stop right after wiring up the motors and getting the crown drawn. Are there additional docs on how to wire up the spindle, on/off switch and the emergency stop button. I know the buttons are pretty basic but looking for best practices as well as to understand how the spindle interacts with the g-code and carving.
For example, does the g-code start up the spindle and/or control the speed of it, and if so how would it be connected to the control board (via a relay seems to be the consensus from my searches, but where to connect it to the control board?).
So I’m just a super CNC noob who’s in the dark about things that might be obvious to others, so any pointers to docs would be helpful.
I’m just watching Matt!
I know there were a few attempts at varying the speed of the spindle, but my memory says that’s not a great idea when using routers for reasons that my memory doesn’t serve!
However there is a bit of gcode in the documents (Milling Basics, Starting gcode)
M106 ; This will turn on an IOT relay to start a router or vacuum
I’ve been looking at doing exactly this as my next build progresses, but hard wiring in an SSR (solid state relay ) to switch the router and vac. I will then build the emergency stop into that setup on the 240v side.
All of that is subject to what else is said below! (An Iot relay would make it easier to do but they seem to be a bit scarce in Aus at the moment!)
As far as I’m aware, there is no official documentation on this subject. There are a number of different ways to go depending on your specific router/spindle and your setup. There are, however, a few topics on this forum that explore different aspects of router/spindle control.
A majority of MPCNC owners use routers, so rpm is controlled by manually setting a dial on the router. In this case, if there is any integrated control, it is just to turn the router on and off. I cover the different relay solutions and triggering methods in this post.
If you have a spindle with a VFD, things get more interesting. It is possible to control the RPM from the Marlin control board, but there are some hoops to jump through, and the specifics will depend on what VFD you are running. The biggest issue for most VFDs is that they expect 10V in, and controls boards don’t provide this directly.
As for emergency stop, I suggest you have a design goal of a single button that turns off both the control board and the router/spindle. If you are using a relay then you can just interrupt 12V and everything should shut down. Without a relay, something that interrupts MAINS power (120 AC) is required. Mounting a power strip used by both router and the control board such that the power button is easily reached will work. Another reference post.
Presently my router runs through my vac, which switches automatically when the router is on. I am pondering whether a relay to the router which then has a relay to the vac is not just one relay too many!