When you choose the wrong range for laser speeds

Well, I wanted to see if I could get some Ti02 black on glass. I have this old kitchen scale (doesn’t work) which I thought to experiment with. I sprayed it with a mix of IPA and TiO2 and used the default material test in LightBurn, and it went… well, here. It looks more like the TiO2 got baked onto the glass, more than got blackened. Maybe too thick? Obviously not right though. I changed the speed scale to go to a maximum slower than the second line, and I’ll try again. Don’t have more disposable glass though so we’ll try something else.


This is a really interesting experiment. Two thoughts. First, consider placing the Ti02 on the bottom of the glass and place the glass on piece of metal painted black. The laser would be focused at the surface of the metal. Second, consider using a coating with Ti02 that is grey or black. For tiles, I’ve had good luck with Rust-oleum Cold Galvanizing Compound. The un-lasered paint is cleaned off with acetone.

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