Vcarve Post Processor for Lowrider 2

Have you set the zero position for XY before running the gcode and zeroed out the Z height (not sure if you are using a probe or just eyeballing it with a piece of paper)?

And just to ask where you are coming from - have you followed the tutorials and successfully run the test crown? Wasn’t sure if you were diving right in to trying out Vcarve or stepping up from something like Estlcam.

right now just eyeballing with paper. i do have the prob as well. i have sucesfully made cuts designed in fusion 360 and etslcam.

What is your Vcarve job setup like? For example, have you zeroed your Z in the center but expected the cut to start at the bottom-left? If that is the case, is your XY Datum set to the bottom left?

If you manually job the tool bit to the expected start of the cut, does the gcode then run correctly?

it doesnt look like it runs properly. When i start the cut the machine is just plunging down into the piece as if its not there. the X and Y does not move at the start of the cut either.

What are the settings of the first toolpath as well as the material setup?

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This is what my cnc.js looks like when the machine is homed.

I am by no means an expert in Vcarve, but have not had any issues with it.

The only setting that sticks out to me is your Z Gap Above Material. I have mine set to the same as my Z1/Z2.

Can you upload your full gcode file, i’d like to try running it and see if I get the same results as you.

Pocket 1.gcode (18.8 KB)

Let me know if this works. are you also on a LR2? and running cncjs?

Yes, both an MPCNC with a Ramps board as well as an LR2 with SKR 1.2 - both with cncjs

oh nice! ok. when you home your z does yours home to the table to max height?. mine goes to max height. i think thats part of my problem.

OK yeah that’s why it’s behaving like it is - it thinks your Z is all the way up so it is lowering it. It looks like you changed the gcode file from the original one since your Safe Z height is now 125?

(I am running the dual end stop code.) Z homes up to max height (until it hits the limit switches). Touch plate probe homes down.

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it sounds like we have the same setup. i did change the Z safe height to see if thats what was causing the machine to freak out. so what should i be doing differently? or how should my post processor be setup?

Set your Z1/Z2/Z gap back down to a reasonable number for testing things out (say 5mm) and then save the gcode.

Using cncjs:

Jog the bit to the lower left start position and give it a G92 X0 Y0

Zero out your bit using the paper method and then raise it up 10mm

Give a G92 Z10.1

Run the gcode - it should now cutting in the air and you can watch it go for a little while

Edit: Send me the revised gcode too and I can take a look

Pocket 1.gcode (18.6 KB)

So that time it acted a little different. after giving it the commands you listed. i started the gcode and the machine when to it max height but continued to try and push past the sensors.
Edit: i ran what you said again and that seemed to work fine. not sure what happened the first go round.

OK great, I was about to reply that the gcode looks fine and was confused why it would shoot up to max height (then I saw your edit).

So if you want, you can now properly set your Z height and run the gcode and actually perform the cut.

My normal workflow is essentially what we just did:

Home all axes using the limit switches
Use cncjs to jog to my start position and do a G92 X0 Y0
Probe Z via a macro in cncjs
Run the gcode

So this is something i noticed. i normally use the zero out work offset button. i get an unknown command when that happens. is there something different with those buttons?

I don’t believe it was ever implemented in Marlin, that’s why the commands are invalid:

I’m using tests5 on my primo no issues yet

Thanks for all the help guys. did a few more sample cuts with vcarve before i deicde to make the purchase.

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