V3 will home but not run G-Code

A buddy and I had an amazing time building our 4 x 8 Lowrider V3. The set up will HOME and it will move correctly via the touch screen. But when we send any G-Code it will only drop the Z axis and then run a direction.

Setup: SKR-PRO-1.2

Firmware: V1CNC_SkrPro_DualLR_2209

Software Used:

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Here is a picture of what it does when you send a job. It will plunge the router all the way down and then cut in a direction

Plunge in a controlled way, or free fall drop like the motors lost power?

Got decent clearance height configured?

Guessing you’re home to top of the material being cut using the V1E touchplate before sending the job?

Always start with the test crown premade gcode. That will check the machine with proven working gcode.

If the crown gcode works, you can try to replicate it and look closely at the starting gcode. You can read it pretty easily, or paste the first 100 lines here and we can find the error.

Estlcam basics



Might help


The rails on and system sit flat on the plywood. For these test cuts, we placed a half in scrap board on the cutting surface. Used the touch sensor. And are using the GCODE directly to an SD card.

But it will plunge all the way down, bottom out, and try to keep going.

Have you set the Z=0 at the top of the stock before running the gcode?

After homing, the Z is at the top of the travel, and z=200(mm) . If you start the gcode at that point, the Z axis will try to go immediately to 0 (or possibly a few mm above 0), but the top of the Z travel is only about 80mm above the spoil board, so the first thing it will do is try to dig its way through the spoil board to get the remaining 120mm toward 0. Then it will try to start the X/Y moves, but the bit is buried so deep in the spoil board that it will move off in what seems like a seemingly random direction.

You need to use a g38.2 Z0 command to probe to your touch plate on the top of the material, then issue a G92 Z0.5 command to tell the controller that the bit is 0.5mm (the thickness of the tiny touch probe) above the material.

Then start your gcode, and the bit will only go as deep as your CAM tells it to go.


Happy to help troubleshoot that if you want to send me a copy :eyes: :grin: