V3 vs v4 3DP build part list

All Good information. Thanks for sharing. Another possibly obvious question or a request for doc update and I realize this may be nitpicky, but it helps for those of us (maybe just me) who are doing this for the first time and really not wanting to screw it up:

The build list documentation

A couple points of clarification for me:

  1. the above screen shot lists 2 pulleys , 2 smooth idlers, 6 toothed idlers. This appears to be only for the coreXY (?) mechanism since with 5 motors, I would expect 5 pulleys. Is this the total for the entire system? Can we specify how many for each mechanism: corexy and z axis?
  2. The belt calculation shows how to get to the total length, but I don’t see anywhere recommending length of each location. While I realize this is subject to user-selected size, it should be a simple adder to the dimension. Is it simply line it up and cut it a little long? I read about someone cutting short and I have just enough total length without ordering more.
    I’m happy to update the docs if that would be helpful after doing this. The hope is I won’t have to order and wait for more belt.

also, what is the recommended bolt head type for each of the bolts listed in the printer build?

Printed parts are appearing… it might be another month or two before it starts reprinting its own parts…

For M3 and smaller am finding Phillips head bolts easier to snug/torque up without them stripping. Have gone through multiple cheap weak M3 Allen keys for this build, so decent ones recommended. Hand screwed, no power tools for M3 and smaller. For hex head M5’s holding frame together I may have use impact driver.

Small thing, but found that last minute ordered parts ended up needing different driver bits for Phillips/crosshead bolts when ordered from various companies. Some of my M3 bolts need PH2 or PH1, some need posidriv, etc… Really needed to pay attention when torquing up to ensure right driver used and head isn’t stripped. Allocating time to bulk order up front from single supplier could have maybe worked out simpler, definitely cheaper.

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Yes. You need 5 pulleys.

Yes. I mounted one end of the belt, then stretched it out and cut to length. I guess it could be calculated for each piece. The 3 Z’s should be the same. The two XY belts should be close to the same.


Buy a single GOOD set of allen keys. It’s worth the investment.

I have a full set of Bondhus T handles. Sadly, the T handle doesn’t fit into some spots (like up against the extrusion), but works great for initial assembly.

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Compact racheting set really helped in some tight spots.

Whoops, I will fix that.

You can feed it through and yes cut it a little long. It is pretty easy to do on all the axes. Same way we do it on all the builds.

Pan head, phillips or hex (I have far less issues with phillips).

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I bought the mini molex…I want that clean look. You guys are a bad influence :face_with_peeking_eye: