I bought the equipment for Low CNC V3 a while ago and got it put together. But, I didn’t have a table to put it on. I had the x and z axis working but without a table I didn’t have a y axis. I finally got around to building a table. Now I see there is a V4. So, I’d like to upgrade my V3 equipment to V4 before mounting it to the table.
I just want to make sure I purchase the correct stuff to upgrade to the V3 stuff I have to V4 stuff needed.
The LR3 and LR4 use different XZ plates so you cant reuse those. You might be able to post your LR3 XZ plates in the forsale section but IDK how many people are going that route anymore
You may want to get your LR3 up and running so you can use it to cut parts for LR4.
A table for LR3 can be made to move an LR4 onto later.
There’s some benefit to cutting your strut plates with an existing machine and skipping the step of building up with temp struts and then tearing back down to install the strut plates.
You could also “bootstrap” with the LR3 by just putting it on a flat surface with a spoil board (on a garage floor or similar), and use that setup to cut the table for the LR4.
No, LR4 has different plates, and you really need the aluminum plates.
Jackpot is a great conrroller, but if you have SKR Pro 1.2, that’s a great controller as well.
You guys are not reading it right. The upgrade kit and the printed parts both come with the plates. You can just write Ryan a message and he will take one set out.
Don’t forget the ESP with the board and the case for it
I said I would end up with duplicate LR4 XZ plates because the LR4 Printed parts package comes with LR4 XZ plates and the Hardware Upgrade Kit also comes with an LR4 XZ plate. So, it’s really a packaging issue.
Is there any way to buy either the Low Rider V4 Printed Parts without the Aluminum XZ plate or the LR3 to LR4 upgrade kit without the Aluminum XZ plate ?
That way I can get the Aluminum XZ plate in one of the kits but not the other and only end up with one set.
Maybe I can get the 39 - M3x10mm screws and 2- 145mm T8 lead screws that are in the upgrade kit independently?
I will have to think about temporarily getting the LR3 up and running. I am pretty close. Thanks for the recommendation.
My understanding is the jackpot controller has wireless capability. I don’t think the current controller I have is. I remember I had a Raspberry Pi 4 directly connected to the controller’s USB and then I accessed the Raspberry Pi 4 via wireless. So, if jackpot already has wireless then that is one less thing.
you bought an upgrade kit and a printed parts kit? Tell me exactly what you want to arrive and I can help you out. That is going to mess up my inventory, I rather just figure out exactly what you want.
Are you just trying to get the printed parts and some t8’s? Do you need the M3 screws?
As you can imagine, I have a lot of special requests and rush orders happening today.