V1pi on lepotato

Wondering if anyone can help me with getting v1pi on a le potato (click here for product page) for my LR3

It’s a knockoff raspberry pi but the issue is flashing a normal Raspbian doesn’t work. They have a pre-complied version that I can download. Or I can get Ubuntu, Debian, and some others and go from there.

Is there an easy way to get the v1pi in from the Raspbian os? (My Raspbian experience is extremely limited, most use Linux)

Am I better off just trying to download CNC.js separately into Linux or Raspbian?

I have a le potato that has been on my desk for like 6 months and I haven’t messed with it.

v1pi is built automatically by a script. The script downloads a raspbian image, mounts it locally and runs a pi virtual machine on the image (basically). The CustomPiOS software lets me write linux scripts to install everything one line at a time. It is a bit more complicated than that to make it a bit more generic. But that is how that image is created.

I basically started with the octoprint configuration (octopi is built the same way), I installed node.js, cnc.js and a new simple web landing page to choose between them.

If you just want CNC.js, the easiest way is probably to get or create an image for le potato that can run docker, then find an arm based cncjs docker image and run that on boot. Docker can be intimidating, but from a user perspective, it will keep you from having to handle a lot of the worst kind of bugs.

If you want another way, you could look at the scripts I use to install node.js and cncjs. If you understood enough about Linux command line, you could run those and they should work to give you cncjs installed natively on your pi image. After you install node and npm, the command is basically one line (npm install -g cncjs@latest or something). The trouble with this method is that if anything goes wrong, you will be deep in the weeds.

A third harder way: You could edit the v1pi image scripts to fetch the le potato image first, and then those scripts would install cnc.js the same way they do in raspbian. Those scripts are in the github for v1pi, and you should be able to make them work by making a fork and a pull request. If this sounds hard, it probably is. If you already know how to do all of that, this would probably help everyone else a bit more.

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Haha mine been sitting around for 4 months. Bought a two pack, one is running two instances of octoprint for my 3d printers.

Oh my gosh I think I way over complicated this in my head. I was thinking these were independent versions on octoprint and cnc.js.

My understanding now is it’s a install packet with a pi os, octo print, cnc.js, node.js, a hosting service (depending on version), with preloaded values to make comparability easier, and a webpage interface to start, stop, load everything?

That about sums it up.

CustomPiOS uses “modules”. I have modules here:

The node.js is basically just for these lines of code:

The cncjs one does this:

Octoprint also sets up haproxy. I have to edit that to have several services. And I added the landing page. That is also done in cncjs.

I forgot about raspap. But that is another module that does the hosting service.

The github actions are where the steps take place. This is where I download the raspian image:

If that pointed to le potato image, it might just work. But more likely, there would be some code rot.

Love the fact you actually organized your code. Most don’t give that kind of dedication to it and gives me a headache when they don’t.

Back on topic I think I am going to try manually install everything make sure it all works. Then look at the possibility of pulling over the landing page.

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Does raspbian run on it? Raspberry french fries i guess!. 35 bucks on amazon is not bad at all!

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In the first post, they said raspian doesn’t work.

IIRC, it doesn’t have wifi. That is the big downside.

Yeah i just found a big write up on it. It is lacking alot of things.

Libre has sense got it working but you have to use their precompiled img in order to get it to work. They have listed the source code but others have said that it is involved to go with a diy install. ones the os is installed it updates like normal sense all the configs are there.

This is by far I think its biggest downside, a usb dongle works fine but is another ~$10
They also sell a wifi model just more expensive

Most isn’t noticeable, at least with what I’ve used it for. I would 1000% prefer a original Pi but they are never available when I am buying. Even my local microcenter can’t keep them. I have this one leftover from when I wanted octoprint on my two 3d printers. I’ve heard the orange pi is comparable to raspberry and from my understanding works natively

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Have either of you used multiple ssh programs? What’s your favorite? I’ve always used terminus so I don’t know anything but it. It works good but it can sometimes struggle connecting, I really like the the ability to connect via a phone though.

I use windows mostly (network admin). So putty has been my goto for routers and vending. Nothing really outside that.

Okay So I manually got everything installed and working. Only issue I’m having is where PM2 is only working when I issue CNC and not CNCJS; which is working as expected but its noted that they plan to depreciate CNC.

I love the idea of the landing page, but unfortunately it is far from a copy and paste. I think I’m going to try and create one. Going to have to do some refreshers on html, java, and python.

Whoa! Awesome. Can you link to the base image you used in case someone wants to follow in your footsteps?

In Linux, everyone uses openssh, but the terminal is what matters. I have lot of opinions on terminals, but I doubt they would interest anyone. I use alacritty, but Terminator is also great. I think the WSL stuff and a powershell works pretty good in Windows. I assume mac also just has openssh installed and you would use whatever terminal costs the most :stuck_out_tongue:.

On my pixel phone, I use Termux installed from fdroid if I really want to ssh from my phone. Using vi on a phone keyboard is really weird.

Especially when used to all the keyboard shortcuts. But it nice to have when you want to use it.

Yeah I used the ubuntu server base image (Click Here for the distro server), make sure to update everything once installed.

You need to install network-manager (if using dongle), and PM2 (install after cnc.js)

For octoprint I really like using their deploy system (Click Here); This also installs ustreamer, and sets up haproxy.

CNC.js has a git install guide (Click Here)

by default this will put octoprint at 5000+, CNC.js at 8000, and cameras at 8001+

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