Here’s the latest version of the :120:V1E map. Feel free and fill it, find friends and be amazed.
:partying_face: :heart_eyes:
EDIT: An easy way to get coordinates is Google Maps.
On your phone: Press briefly on the desired spot on the map and get the coordinates.
On a computer: Double click on the desired location and get the coordinates.
You should get something like this 51.506980.-0.152950
:earth_africa: :earth_americas: :earth_asia:
Latitude is the firts (left) digits 51.506980
longitude is teh second (right) digits -0.152950

Stacking problem has been fixed. So you can use same coordinate for all machines
EDIT: only existing or moving machines please

Here’s the poll

Here’s the map
'V1E map - Google My Maps

A “quick scan” map, if the data is shown here, it will appear (in time) on an important map


Here’s the latest version of the map I’ve been tinkering with. I tried the map as a combination of cities, towns and coordinates, using postal codes and just coordinates. Until now, coordinates alone work best. So, despite the wishes of the audience, I settled on a coordinate system. For those who have not yet heard. Here is a survey based on which a map of V1E machine operators is made.

I’m sorry you have to put a little more effort into the coordinates. But here are a few tips. An easy way to get coordinates is Google Maps.

On your phone: Press briefly on the desired spot on the map and get the coordinates.

On a computer: Double click on the desired location and get the coordinates.

Edit:You should get something like this 51.506980.-0.152950

Latitude is the firts (left) digits 51.506980

longitude is teh second (right) digits -0.152950

N.B. You can use as precise/inaccurate coordinates as you want. An optional forum nickname has been added to the survey. Responding to the survey is voluntary.

I’ve spent a lot of time on this, so hopefully someone will enjoy it. Please note that a more detailed map (google my maps) is not updated automatically, and I may not have time to update the map every day.

Thank you to everyone who has completed the survey. I had to edit everything so often and so much that, unfortunately, everyone who has already answered has to fill out the survey again.

I hope your questions and comments will be posted on the previous forum.


Okay that looks good. I will put both links in the docs I think first, or maybe on the main site footer. Open to suggestions. I need a few days to get this going though.

That is pretty amazing, we have talked about this so many times and I think you have addressed all the concerns and came up with a super fun solution.

Let’s see how many it people that sheet can handle!


I can fill in the form but no luck with the Enter button thus far - it’s probably a bandwidth issue as we have 1 bar of 3G at the moment - will be back in civilisation soon if we remember how to get there!

I had a shower while this image failed to upload! :rofl::rofl:


Man, being a retiree looks so relaxing. :smiley:

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Hey, I get views like this when I go grocery shopping! Real fun when it’s super windy.


What’s this, a one-car ferry? :smiley:

I’m first in line. Holds about 40 I think.

Same day on the way to the island.


Yes, one car for me.

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Over 200 mapped machine :muscle:t3: :partying_face:


Thanks for this. I somehow missed seeing this until now, so I just entered my machines.

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I deleted your reply because you were already on the map :smile:

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It‘s the sleep thing again!! :stuck_out_tongue:

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I knew I was on the old map, but I saw this post said that it was a new map, so I thought I needed to add myself again. If I misread it, or forgot having read it earlier, it may be due to this mind fog deal after two Covid bouts on top of the oxygen deprivation and sleep deprivation thing. So sorry. Thanks for making this!

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This is really cool to see all the V1E machines around the world. It’s too bad not everyone put their V1E username.

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[quote=“Doug Joseph (design8studio), post:15, topic:45479, username:DougJoseph”]
So sorry.

No need to be sorry, I have had so many version of this map. But this is working fine so no need more testing. I’m happy that peoples are filling the query.

I need to find out how to share more statishic for other too. It is intresting to see LR4 explosive raise. I think it will take LR3 place on the most made machine’s. :smile:

Edit: every time I mention something about this, we got ten or so new mapped machine :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: