V1 Engineering Desktop Wallpaper

I think the upsell is the technology integrations built in to the unit… That’s how they charge $6K USD for a base unit (upwards of $17K USD once you start adding all the bells and whistles).

But otherwise, I agree. See my earlier comment re: simpits… :wink:

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Lol. Barry wins. Thread over.

NEVER! He’s first against the wall when the revolution comes to TruTV! :crazy_face: :firecracker:

The trick is to get the monitor arms off of amazon. You can attach two monitors to an arm that gets clamped to the back of the desk. You end up with MORE desk space because you don’t have monitor stands taking up valuable space.

I have this one coming in on Friday:

I already have this one that I’m using for one monitor and the laptop. I’ll continue using it for the laptop, but I’ll be moving the monitor over to the new one.

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It is full motion for that price. right? capable of rotating about all 3 axes? Like a gunner in the Millennium Falcon?


For that price, I think the monitors raise up some, the whole thing tilts up and back (I don’t know if that’s manual or powered) (actually, I think those are standard), and it has heated lumbar support. But that’s it. Unless you turn up the bass on the 5.1 surround sound system, and shake your kidneys a bit (that’s extra) :loud_sound:

I used to have three compatible monitors. They were all 1200 tall at least. Then one of the 21’s blew up. The AOC on the end is just temporary until I save up enough pennies to get one of these.

Here’s the build album for my hotas mounts.

The two side monitors are mounted to the shelf uprights, the center monitor is on it’s stand because I was lazy and didn’t want to build a mount for it. The two upper monitors are also on arms attached to the shelf uprights.

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Mine will cause OCD people to toss their cookies… Three monitors, three different resolutions:

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Too bad I don’t work in cyber security ot marketting…


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Why didn’t I take courses in Marketing… Why…

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I’ve noodled making a desk like that, haven’t put anything to paper, or pixels yet though. I like how they use a nylon strap for the raise/lower mechanism of the monitor arm. That’s a good idea. Way easier than linear actuators I’ve seen on other desks like this.

Funny enough, I think marketing and security are the only departments in my office that could afford a setup like that. Still not sure why their budget is so large when compared to the pamphlets the marketing team seem to come up with.

If anyone in your organization approves the purchase of one of these, they need fired. Or they have pictures of the CEO with a sheep.


Or you just got your first round of VC, and it’s your first E3, COMDEX, or CES…

Or they are the sheep…

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