Using Lowrider to CNC mill PCB traces

Very curious what precision, in particular PCB trace resolution, folks here have successfully achieved with their LowRider CNCs, especially LR4? Cool to hear from MPCNC folks, but am mostly curious what accuracy folks have achieved with their LowRiders.

With my LR3, I was able to chamfer countersunk holes in acrylic using flat single flute mills. i.e submillimeter accuracy.

Stephen Hawes recently released a neat video about Fiber Laser etching PCB traces…

Naturally, I have project envy , but no fiber laser, so, am curious about what’s possible with a reasonably assembled LR4…

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I don’t see why it wouldn’t work. You still have to do the rivet trick for through holes I suppose.


Why bother when JLCPCB will send you 5 professionally made boards for ~ 4 $£€ in 10 days.

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Yeah, I like jlcpcb/pcbway and similar, have previously fabbed couple of boards using EasyEDA. I don’t know if drinking coaster PCBs count?

Want to mill partly for the experience and flexing LR4 precision, but also there’s some time/cost saving when doing set of individually unique 300mm x 300mm (or larger) PCBs. Am mostly placing 5050 LEDs, nothing special/exotic, yet another tacky lighting project. Large trace widths can be used, hoping 1/16" endmill will be good enough. Will be trying 1 layer with 0 ohm resistor jumpers if needed.

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