Using limits with Estlcam

I am building a new controller using a Arduino Nano, optical isolator board, and induction limits wired in parallel, and also a probe. My last board didn’t use limits, so I am a bit in the dark where the connections should go.
I think the probe goes to 08 and maybe the limits (all connected together) can be on 09.
Can someone verify that or put me on the right path please.

I am not sure about doing your own board, but if you are using Estlcam as the controller, you can connect the limits in a row and in Estlcam‘s settings you can say which type of switch, Endstop or whatever is connected to the specific input. So as long as you use an input pin, it should not matter which one.

Thanks Philipp,
While waiting for a reply I worked it out as you said. I put the probe on input 1 and the limits on input 2, connected to the Nano on 08 and 09.
Also fitted a couple of relays outputs 1 and 2 Nano pins 02 and 03. Seems to be working fine.
Steppers wired up no problem, waiting for the PWM to 0-10 volt board for the VFD to come, so that will be another time.