Is it possible to use octoprint to talk to Bart Dings Pen/Laser CNC controller to use octoprint plugins like playlists and schedules? Or would I have to get a different board that supports that? I don’t see a nice way of doing that via FluidNC.
You can send commands to FluidNC over usb so I don’t see why not.
FluidNC runs on the esp32 board no matter what it’s plugged in to so if you have one already you could test.
As far as the gcode goes, FluidNC is almost identical to GRBL. For the ZenXY, it is almost the same as grbl or marlin.
If you have any trouble, you should look for help wtih grbl and octoprint.
You have a few options here. You can just create a gcode playlist that runs a list of files in order. You could even make it loop indefinitely.
FluidNC itself has no idea what the current time is, so by itself, it can’t be a scheduler. However, you can trigger running a specific gcode file as easy as making a web request.
That part after the command is just a FluidNC command that is URL encoded.
You can make “myfile.gcode” be any file.