Unable to flash the language file

Hello everyone, after not using it for a while, I recently wanted to organize my Primo. First, I tried to update the firmware for Skr pro 1.2 and TFT35. However, I encountered a situation where the language file couldn’t be flashed, lol.

The current firmware version I am using is V515 Marlin 2.1.1 + BIGTREE_TFT35_V3.0_E3.27.x.bin.

After flashing, when I insert Language_tc.ini, it shows “invalid keyword”、“invalid config file” and cannot be flashed.

I downloaded the language file from V1EngineeringInc

(github link).

Could anyone please guide me on what needs to be modified?
Thank you very much.

P.S. Both the control board and the screen were purchased from Ryan’s shop.