Tub shower seat

Pretty simple project, really.

3/4" solid birch, laminated, then cut to shape on the LR3. All edges rounded over with a 1/4" rounding bit so as to keep the sharp edges away from tender bits of anatomy, and laquered with a nice clear to keep the wood sealed. I had originally used birch plywood, but there were some voids, and it didn’t seal. Then I was going tonlaminate some teak, and that’s still being set up, but I messed up an edge on the jointer…

The soaker tub has polycarbonate handles on the sides, so it’s zip tied to them with 3D printed mounts on the wall side. The seat can flip up against the wall if not needed. It also acts as a handy table surface for taking a bath, a place to put an ice cold beverage while enjoying a relaxing hot soak after a hard day. The laquer is still curing, shoukd be ready for service by the time I take my shower tomorrow


OMG, I need to make one of those! I have the same handles in my tub. You just earned me some serious brownie points!!


I think that’s the project link, the parameters are a bit of a mess, or at least the naming conventions are…

I used 3 of the zip tie bodies, fastened to the main board with 3/4" #8 wood screws.

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