Truck orientation

My understanding is that the trucks should mirror each other. The issue in my mind is that when they are oriented that way, the limit switches are both on the same side i.e. they will both trigger at the left side but there will be no trigger on the right side. Is it correct to have them mirrored? and if so, what limits the movement to the right?

Ther is only one limit switch on X - it sets the zero position. You set the bed dimensions in your configuration. There are only limit switches on one end of the Y axis too to set the Y zero poisition.

There is one limit switch on each truck for X (so two in total) and one for Y on each truck (so also two in total). We only home to X/Y min, not max and have one on each truck to achieve squareness, not to limit the travel. With most boards the endstops are disabled while cutting also.

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Unless you mean the two Z limit switches, which should both be on the ‘inside’ faces of the trucks

Eh, Z does not have a limit switch. This is not a LR3 topic. :stuck_out_tongue:


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Thanks for the prompt and helpful responses. I needed those so I could proceed with assembly!

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