Trouble with z touch plate jackpot cnc

I got a jackpot cnc board, works awesome and love it but I’m having a problem with the touch plate settings. When u start a gcode it’ll ask u to insert touchplate, so i do, then it goes down touches then goes up 10mm and asks you to remove it. I remove it then stay the program and it won’t go down to the material, it’s like when the machine goes to that 10mm mark it sets itself at zero rather then +10. I’ve charged the gcode settings for the touchplate thickness and still no fix. I’m not all that familiar with editing gcode so don’t want to tinker and really mess it up. The touchplate is 0.5mm thick… very thin but i used it with the skr and i love it. Anyone can help me with this in sure it’s something stupid and simple but like i said I’m fairly new to this gcode and this forum has helped me in so many ways so far worth all of your knowledge. I appreciate the help

Sounds like the start and /or tool change gcode is wrong. Screenshot or cut and paste what you are using.

The code from the Jackpot page should work as is.

is the touch probe thickness programmed in like on my rambo board? If not how do I do that?

It’s part of the probe command.

G38.2 Z-110 F200 P0.5 (probe down set thickness )

The P part defines the touchplate thickness in mm.

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So this my show my ignorance, but is that already done since I got my jackpot from here? So I just hit home Z and it should work?

Is this for a Lowrider? Homing and probing are 2 different things. Homing Z will raise the gantry to the top and with offsets will level the gantry. Probing happens each time you cut something so you can define the exact starting Z position for the given workpiece. While you can probe from the UI, this is normally added by the CAM software. If you look on the Milling Basics page, it defines that configuration.

Sorry, MPCNC, I switched from Rambo to a Jackpot. I want to start using the probe to set Z zero again.

On a MPCNC (assuming Primo but doesn’t matter) you cant home Z because there is no endstop. Best thing to do is go to the milling basics page and copy in the start, tool change and end gcode. Then put that in Estlcam. That will put the probe commands right in your start gcode and you wont have to do anything extra except hook up the probe and then take the probe off. Works quite well.


How about after a tool change? I would like to program one of the buttons on UI to set Z zero.

I find it much better to use the gcode itself, like it is shown in the milling basics page.

If you do everything manually there is a lot to remember.

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Absolutely this!!!

Because of this…

I dont know how many times I looked at that page and zipped right past it, also helps when you select the correct set up GRBL/Jackpot.

Last dumb question, hopefully. Using the the Z home button on the controls will cause the router to come down and touch the probe to reset Z? If so where is the probe thickness set at? I got my board here is it configured for the v1 probe already? If not how do i change that? See 4 questions.
I was not connecting the Z home button in the controls. I am still operating from rambo with the lcd display selecting everything.

The Z axis will raise until both sides hit the limit switches.

Take a look at the milling basics page for the starting and tool change info.

You are asking questions in the Jackpot section of the forums. This is going to lead to a lot of confusion. I need to move this thread.

Brad, it looks like you did not start this thread. Please start your own thread, in the advice area for whichever machine you have.

When in doubt always just start a new thread.

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