I can only speak for the MPCNC Primo, not the LR. But I believe it should be the same. I have mine wired into Z_min endstop just as you have wired up all of your other endstops. It works just the same as an endstop wired in the normally open position.
Someone correct me if this is different for the LR.
Also there is a little wire path built into the lr3 core for wire routing.
And the magnet clamp has a handy little stepper that ppl use to magnet it to for storage.
I wondered what that magnet was for. I can’t quite tell what is going on in Ryan’s picture. Do you put the magnet on the stepper and clip to it? What holds the touch plate there?
He has the touch plate just above the alligator clip with the magnet.
Don’t think of it as a touch plate it’s basically a switch.
The magnet sticks onto the router collet. And is one side of a switch. Then the touch plate is the other side. When the z axis moves down it’s going to keep moving until it completes the circuit.
“The bit touches the touch plate “
And if you forget the magnet the z will try and drive it’s way through earth lol
And you can probably just glue a rare-earth magnet somewhere on your tool holder that the plate and/or clip will stick to. Or install another alligator clip to hold them… Or wire in a plug for it all. It’s an area open for interpretation and individual expression. Think of it like interpretive dance. It’s all good, except when it’s obviously wrong…
Primarily I think the magnet facilities easily attaching lead wire to the router bit for touching off to get Z, and then is easily detachable, and storable by attaching to something metal nearby.
The touch plate discussed in this thread is something conductive of a known thickness that’s placed on top of your stock. A second wire connects to your tool/collet either mechanically or magnetically. When the tool touches the plate the circuit is closed, triggering z to stop - you now know your tool is (thickness of the touch plate) above your stock.
Mounting it permanently to the table wouldn’t provide that reference. There’s no gerber files needed as it isn’t electronics, it’s just a continuity trigger.
Edit: personally I use a small steel rule which is 0.6mm thick and 2 small round magnets with a countersunk hole in them to attach crimp on ring terminals. One to the collet, one to the rule.