Total newbie with new to me primo MPCNC project

Check out the docs about coordinates:

You need the 0,0,0 to be the same in estlcam as in your machine setup. The test crown has G92 X0 Y0 Z0 at the top, so wherever the pen is when you start playing the gcode, is 0,0,0.

You can force the zero location in several ways. I usually set it separately from running to gcode for more control.

Now it is time to set up the end stops, what is better for a beginner like me to do? To go with a couple of parallel y connectors that plugs into the board into the (dupont?) for both the x and y connections on the board or go a different route with all of them separate? Also if it is easier to just the parallel setup where would I actually buy the harnesses?

ok here is where I am at. Have the end stops working on X and Y. Still struggling with Estlecam and gcode for setting the start point.

What exactly is happening? I have normal starting gcode on the milling basics page. If that is still not clear try to describe what is and is not working for you and we can help. Once you get it you will have an easy time.

Thank you Ryan, possibly I am confused about one thing on the endstops still. If I use the home button in repetier host for x it will go to that location. If I use the home button for Y it goes to that location. But if I jog and it happens to be farther then the end stops it just want to drive through them.

Also is there a way to set the center of the board the starting point?

Endstops are only one during homing. Completely normal. Prevents you from messing up a job triggering an endstop of having a bad connection.

Absolutely. Home, drive to the center point, use G92 X0 Y0. That is actually how the milling basics page is already set up. You just need to set the origin in CAM to the center. Should be no changes on the machine side.

The other day the stepper motors seemed to be reverse in the Y axis. That was odd because I thought it was working before. But I figured that possibly I was wrong so I reversed the leads and everything was good to go. Now today the x axis has reversed without me switching anything? Has anyone heard of that issue before? Good to have it figured before I start working this thing. thank you

You have run some sort of job and the next day that same job is reversed? Or you just driving it around?

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Just driving it around

Try using the test crown. Run that a few times that should sort out all your issues.

From where you have it when you start eh file, the machine will move to the right and away.