Took 6 years to get a crown

I bought a parts kit to build my MPCNC 6 years ago, but I was active duty military at the time, and moving around all the time prevented me from building it. Well, I finally got a crown.

I have a bunch of mods that I need to design for it already. Gonna finish tuning, get it dirty and start building it up better. Time to learn about the wonderful world of endmills. Anyone got a favorite for carbon fiber?


The best endmill to cut cf is on someone else’s cnc. :rofl:

This is the place I get my endmills when I don’t get them from the store here. Ryan doesn’t have pcb mills, so drillman1 it is! You’ll need really really really good dust collection when you cut cf. It’s really bad to breathe, and it’s also very abrasive, and conductive.


I hear King Charles took 74 years to get a crown so you’re still ahead of the game :grinning:


@Datura Welcome and congratulations!

I’ve also seen a couple water table designs in some build logs (can find them now) so you might want to do a forum search. The health risk is no joke on CF.

Congrats on the long term project completion!

As for all the wonky stuff in your crown, all do to the ziptie mount and loose paper. The crown jewel is not round if you do it again.

Thank you for your service.


Awesome news congrats on the build completion.

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Congrats on the build!

Thanks for the support and questions answered everyone! I’m going to press with building a water table for carbon milling and also design a dust collection system for milling everything else. I did have one more question for the time being; I have a mechanical E-Stop I’d like to wire but I’m not entirely sure how to wire it. Should I be wiring it to bridge the connection from the psu switch to the psu?

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I wired my estop to an outlet I installed on my router table. Hitting the stop kills everything.

Can see it on the side here.