Tiny Pegasus Bas-Relief

I ran out of MDF for the project I was working on, but wanted to get some more machine time in. I very casually set up this job from an STL found on a Hungarian website, and the result blew me away. It’s not like I was doubting the capabilities of MPCNC at any point, but this came out so much better than I anticipated. Penny for scale.

Very impressive!

Wow… amazing. What kind of tool did you use for such small fine details?

Thanks, guys.

I used a 0.2mm 20degree V-bit carbide engraver. ESTLCAM did the toolpaths for me. The g-code generation takes a little bit of time since the precision has to be smaller than the radius of the tool (0.04mm in this case).

Very Nicely done!
How long did the carving take? What feed rate and depth of cut were you using with the 0.2mm bit.

Thanks! The cut took about 1 hour and 45 minutes. I was doing a 1.5mm DOC at 26mm/s w/ 15% step-over. The deepest part of the cut was about 3.5mm. I have my spindle on a rheostat, and it was turned almost to the bottom; not sure what RPM that puts me at, but I slow it down until the chips look like, well, wood chips… These are some of the first cuts I’ve done on wood, all of my previous machining experience is in aeronautics alloys (inconel, hastelloy, etc.). I’m still very much a novice at wood feeds/speeds I’m afraid, and not knowing how fast my spindle is turning is kind of driving me nuts.

Could pick up one of these http://www.amazon.com/Handheld-Digital-Laser-Tachometer-Engine/dp/B009T4REQG

Holy crap! I didn’t know those existed. Ordered. Thanks!

I ordered one also. I found a similar one on amazon for 14.99 so I hope it works