Time to adjust level.

So finally got the spend some time this weekend actually putting the machine through some paces. Also got to learn a lot about V-Carving and successfully made a few signs. Also learned that my machine is not level!

So my MPCNC is screwed down to a 1/2" sheet to ply, which is sitting on a table. It appears to not be level since in the front left corner my bit all score the board but as I move right I only get about 6 inches and no more scoring. moving away from my (up) is about the same thing. Im not sure if this is foot rail height, board warping, etc. So I get to spend the next few nights NOT setting up my relays for router/vacuum control, instead I get to level.

Ill admit I’m suddenly having flashbacks to bed leveling on my 3d printer!

I’m not lost (yet) just seeing if anyone has any tips and tricks that led to that “ah ha” moment?


I use a block of wood to set the height, then (don’t tell Ryan) I used self tapping screws through the plastic parts to hold them in place. This gets all the legs the same height. Then I surfaced the spoil board. This will take any bow and or leg height differences out.

I was thinking about something like that first I need a spoil board. Since at the moment I just have the MPCNC screwed to the spoil board unless I used a larger machine to surface the WHOLE board all materials strapped to the board would have the same offsets of the machine. I think…

As an added bonus, the spoil board you attach will shorten the distance between the X Y rails and the work piece!

[quote="barry99705,post:2,topic:8458"] I use a block of wood to set the height, then (don’t tell Ryan) I used self tapping screws through the plastic parts to hold them in place. This gets all the legs the same height. Then I surfaced the spoil board. This will take any bow and or leg height differences out.


Hahahaha this is what you meant right!?

My instructions clearly show a socket and extension. Lego’s are entirely too high tech!

This was a way to get my daughter involved. This is a 9 year old solution… to be fair as I’m cursing and digging through my tool box she just needed to prove she wa smarter than her dad!