So first job I made is a flat table parallel to the LR3
Well Ryan did say to go make it dirty
I think I succeeded there. The table surface was really wavy. The spoil board will be on top of this.
So first job I made is a flat table parallel to the LR3
Well Ryan did say to go make it dirty
I think I succeeded there. The table surface was really wavy. The spoil board will be on top of this.
Love it!
I didnt make the noises when I finished the beam…. Sorry.
Vital step, might not work right now…
what kind of noise is one supposed to make, just so I know when I finish my beam?
Vroom, Vroom!
duly noted!
Sooo disappointed…
No sounds were made…
Kinda like dripping water on a gremlin…
Congratulations on getting it dirty!!!
Did you even read the instructions.