The Build to date (i have realized these things are never really "done")

This is my primo.

DOM heavy steel tube, gun blued
The table is the Fischer Workshop flip top (still need to make the drawers)
Skr Board
Raspberry pi and touch screen with mini wireless keyboard, the PI actually mounts to the touch screen, running cncjs as the sender, the config of that is not quite where I want it, but it does work

Usage will be lots of the standard wood working stuff but ultimately I would love to get it cutting aluminum molds for soft plastic fishing lures. But I will build up to that. As I understand it Corian countertop can handle the heat from soft plastic so I will start there

Test cut for the first real project something for SWMBO


Great looking build!
And, it looks like you have it on a flip table.
Would love to know more about that.

This is the fliptop I built, it’s an easy build.

I was thinking of a laser for the other side, but it will probably be a lowrider, I can already tell I want something bigger than 24x18.


Holy crap, I just looked at that video and then found their shop page.
These are really great. I’m going to post a link here so others can see how awesome this stuff is.

I’ll put some comments in my LR3 build thread, but I’ve been debating table build options and I think I might build this or a modified version of this instead of what I was thinking about doing.

Your build is off to a great start. Thank you for sharing.

Edit- I modified my post a bit because I first thought the Fisher design was yours.
I now realize it’s someone else’ design that you built.
Your build looks great to me, I’m really looking forward to seeing your projects and hearing about your use of a flip tabble with an MPCNC.

Thanks for the tip about this table.


Nice build! Have you put in enough hours yet to see how the gun blue is going to hold up against the bearings? I was going to try it out but my container of gun blue went bad and I was too excited to wait for a new container. :grin: Best of luck!


I don’t think I have enough time yet to tell. I am seeing some wear on the z But I think most if not all of the damage happened when I had a poorly printed core and I cranked down on the bearings. X and Y are not showing anything yet. The nice thing is that it is easy enough to touch up.

As for the Fisher shop stuff my shop has never been what you would call organized but after I inherited some tools from my dad it’s been a disaster even by my standards. I have wood for one of the flip-top tool carts halfway cut out I’ll probably build two and maybe the chopsaw stand.

Great looking build.

I can’t have a flip top or I would not have anywhere to set everything down. Horizontal surface catch everything I don’t want to have to walk across the 20’ garage to put away…:wink:

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I know that feeling