The 'Black and Blue' LR3 build

Just checked, no, it doesn’t.

When you select ‘keyboard’ it’ll let you pull up a list of assigned keys, but no way to change them.

Can’t find a panel for it in the settings menu for Interface either

My ‘easy’ solution is to literally dissolve off the labels on the arrow pad and repaint them, lol. Still a little awkward but at least I won’t have the symbols tell me one thing and the gantry to another

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But no- that keyboard is pretty basic. It’s a nice form factor but doesn’t appear to allow any customization

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Here’s what you can call up when selecting keyboard

You can change feed rates, but not the keys

Having the X Y and Z keys send home has the side effect that if you have keyboard mode enabled when trying to type into the terminal, as soon as you type an X (as in G0 X##) it’ll home X. You have to make sure to turn off keyboard mode before using the physical keyboard to write terminal commands

Learned that while trying to write macros.


I didn’t notice that when I looked at it. Why the heck is X+ mapped as up, and Y+ as right. I thought it was your keypad, nope that mapping is odd. Maybe I will drop a note in the esp3d ui section. I can’t see any place that would be correct.


Me neither. I was sooooo confused, especially considering our long ago past convo all about coordinates and origin etc.

Thanks for checking into it.

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Now that I’m running TFT-less, I’ve accidentally left the machine on overnight, twice now. Just sitting there.

I have a bunch of led strip left over from a few projects, so going to add some blue LEDs to pimp it and act as a big reminder r that the thing is on.

I also lose the ‘beep’ when powered on, so the leds serve double duty


Ground effect kits add to the low rider theme. :+1:



I never thought of that, nice

Any idea if I can make the skr pro beep on startup?

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No speaker.

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Didn’t think so. Thanks Ryan.

You know how some pins go high for a couple milliseconds as the board boots- any idea if that would happen on any particular pin- so I can just put a buzzer on it?

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If you add lights, which is easy if you do not add too many, do you still need a buzzer?

Best case is find a 3.3v buzzer, but finding a pin or enabling some sort of boot routine is not going to be as easy as lights.

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Nah, guess not. Not really needed.

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Instead, spend your time setting up a relay to a specialty horn that plays a little tune.

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Right- but where should I pull operating current for the relay from?

Maybe a small speaker with an microSD I can load up with Windows start sound?

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got a few minutes to try the nightly, but im having issues finding the actual file to download

i got as far as this page, but cant find the file. ive tried clicking on pretty much everything, but nothing downloads


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I used a chip called “DFPlayer” on another microcontroller project. But I was able to send a command over the serial port. I think there was a way to make it autoplay something when it powered on, but I would have to find the manual again for it.

I missed where you what you were trying to do. But on that page, the artifacts have the .zip files from the builds. You only want one of them though. Not sure which one you want.

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thanks Jeff

i cant see any zip files on any of the links. I tried down on the Artifacts after reading another post you made back in december. im using firefox browser if that makes a difference

im doing the ESP3D headless thing and wanted to ‘activate’ long filenames. currently, they are 8 characters, which sucks

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The artifacts download for me, I use Firefox as well. What one do you want and I can copy the link here for you.

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Awesome, thanks.

The skrpro dual endstop lowrider version

Thanks muchly!

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Do you have a pop up blocker or something preventing it from working? The links highlight blue on hover for me.

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