What is the table top material and thickness that is shown in the example table here: https://www.v1engineering.com/assembly/table/
Any suggestions for alternatives as well?
Thanks! Bill
What is the table top material and thickness that is shown in the example table here: https://www.v1engineering.com/assembly/table/
Any suggestions for alternatives as well?
Thanks! Bill
It looks like 5/8 inch particle board, which is what I have used and I like it.
MDF would probably be good too, although I have a personal preference for particle board, mainly due to familiarity I think. I make smaller things with particle board too, sometimes in the form of shelves that come with a pretty plastic surface.
Anything, within reason, will work for the table top. You’re going to be sticking a spoil board above it anyway. MDF works well because it’s heavy. You want a little mass to the table, keeps things from wobbling around when it’s cutting. My table still moves a bit and it’s built on top of kitchen cabinet lowers with a 5 inch thick torsion box on top.
Could not get MDF or Particle board of a decent thickness at Lowe’s so I picked up 23/32 sanded plywood for the surface. If I screw it to the 2x4 frame it will not be completely flat. However I can shim between the 2x4’s and the plywood so that it will be pretty flat, is that a good approach, or am I overthinking it?
It depends how flat you consider flat. Shims are fine if you think its worth the trouble. You might want to surface your board, in which case the shims might be a waste of time, or they might not be a waste if it means you can skim less off the surface.
There is no wrong answer. Some people are particular about every detail and others are eager to put it to work. It depends on you.
The board itself is not bad. But if I firmly attach it to the table frame, and put a metal straight edge across it will rock. Assuming I will put a waste board on this surface, did not think I would need to “surface” the plywood and not sure how well plywood would do that. The shimming is easy enough so I think I will go that route.
Thanks! Bill