Surface mapping

Have searched the forum and can’t really find an answer! I’ve got a Lowrider 2 running a Rambo 1.4 board! Is there an easy way to do surface mapping to engrave on a curved surface?

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Yes and no, CNC Surface Mapping, the recent videos have started a discussion in that thread.

If what you are trying to do fall within a fairly narrow set of parameters, then you might be able to accomplish your goals using CAD and the right CAM toolpath. For example in Fusion 360, I can take a 2D path and project it on to a 3D surface to create a 3D path. This path can then be used in CAM with a Trace toolpath to carve that path. You’d have to model the curved surface and figure out how to align the physical object with the CAM version. You can use your model and CAM to outline or create a fixture to help align the real and the virtual version.

A bit tricky to make happen. If your carving will work with a Trace toolpath, and if you were either wanting to this just once, or wanting to do multiple of the same curved surface, then it might be a good solution.