Stupid Sock

The sock on my Hemera V6 hotend keeps falling off and doesn’t want to stay on quite right. Anyone else delt with their socks falling off?

You talking about the silicone boot?

Yes. I had lots of issues with that stupid thing. I discovered it’s very picky about it’s placement. If all the tabs aren’t where they’re supposed to be, it falls off.

My first one filled up with pooky from a bad print, so I replaced it. The replacements I bought didn’t fit right, so I had to order another name brand one. Cross my fingers, but it’s stayed on so far.

Sorry, just had too… :laughing:


Glad to know its not just me. Ill order a few more and try them out.

I resorted to pulling the thin wire out of a twist-tie (from a bread bag in this case) and wrapping it around the top of the sock. A little twist kept the sock in place until I removed the wire for maintenance.


I tape mine on with kapton…

I want to dip / mold them like CNC kitchen did. I don’t understand why they do not cover the top to limit heat transfer, so a silicone dip would be awesome. I do have some old heat covers that get taped on, when I lose this last sock I will try going back to the old school ones that need to get taped on as well but fully cover the heater.

What are those socks for? Never understood that and Google wasn’t really helpful…

Keeps the hot end clean of crud and may help with limiting heating loss to the environment or from part cooling fans


Before those, we would wrap them in insulation and kaptop tape. As bad as the blue socks are, that solution was worse.

In my experience, if it starts falling off, replace it. You do have to get every catch up on the block.